It’s time to confront the brutal reality of what’s happening under the surface at Uni Münster. The very institution that claims to represent us is, in fact, perpetuating a system of exclusion and oppression. The fikuS election—a clear, legitimate victory for marginalized voices—was not just nullified without reason, it was subjected to months of delays, racial bias, and financial blockades designed to silence and undermine the working-class and marginalized communities that voted for their own representation. This is no accident. This is institutionalized discrimination in action.
What happened is clear: AStA, the student government, has allowed its power to be weaponized against fikuS and its members. An election that was transparent and fair, where even AStA’s own chair was present, was invalidated months later under the guise of “procedural issues.” This is not an isolated incident; it’s part of a broader strategy to undermine any genuine movement for autonomy and justice within student structures. What was the real reason behind this illegal challenge months after the election? Why the delay in addressing issues that could have been dealt with swiftly, within the legal window?
Let’s be clear: This is about more than an election. It’s about autonomy, it’s about control, and it’s about power. AStA’s actions—manipulating timelines, imposing their own assembly date, and silencing fikuS at every turn—are not only an attack on a single student body, but on all of us who dare challenge the status quo. When marginalized voices like fikuS rise to demand their rightful place at the table, AStA seeks to crush them. When fikuS attempts to organize autonomously, AStA steps in, asserting its dominance over what should be independent, student-led processes.
Enough is enough. We cannot let this blatant injustice stand. We will not be complicit in this marginalization.
Join us March 28, 2025, at 14:30 [Bispinghof 2, House B, Room 4] for the Vollversammlung and stand with fikuS in their fight for justice. We will not allow our voices to be silenced. This is about much more than one election—this is about the future of student governance, about protecting the autonomy of all marginalized communities, and about demanding accountability from those who abuse their power.
This is an invitation to every working-class student, every student from a marginalized community, and every ally who believes in real justice. Fight for fikuS. Fight for our autonomy. Fight for our voices.
The struggle is real, and so is our resistance.
From A Student Liberation Kamp [AKS]