ANALOG FILM LAB NRW: Recycled Cinema: Exploring Film Archives and Found Foootage (English)


with Vincenzo Mancuso

Date: Friday, September 6 & Friday, September 13 – Online (English) 6-8 pm 
registration deadline: Sunday, August 25
Target Group: Beginners

The ANALOG FILM LAB NRW is a meeting point for analog enthusiasts and filmmakers of all kinds who want to work with and experiment using analog film technology.

The third lab session takes place online and consists of two parts.

The first session introduces participants to the world of archives, contextualizes their various applications, and explores the use of found footage material in experimental practices. The second session focuses on analyzing the projects created by participants with the provided film material. The emphasis here is on guidance for locating, restoring, and effectively using archival material.

Part 1 (September 6)

  • Introduction to Archives: What are archives and what is their significance?
  • The diverse formats of archives: From nitrate film to digital files.
  • Preservation or manipulation: Archival material vs. found footage.
  • The multifaceted life of archives: The endless possibilities of recycling.
  • Instructions for the archive exercise: Distribution of 5 minutes of archival material to be used in the week before the next session.

Part 2 (September 13)

  • Review and discussion of the produced exercises.
  • The memory of others: Using private archives in projects.
  • Discovering archives: Guidance on finding accessible archives and resources.

Handling found footage material: Techniques for finding, selecting, and preserving films.

The workshop is ideal for filmmakers, artists, and anyone interested in incorporating archival material into experimental and research-based practices. Basic knowledge of digital editing software is recommended, and having your own computer and editing software (or the ability to download editing software) is required.

Vincenzo Mancuso studied film production at the Zelig Film School in Bolzano, Italy, and now works on documentary projects and documentaries. For over twenty years, he has been dedicated to collecting, restoring, and preserving private home movies, which have become an integral part of his archive. In 2006, he founded the informal group ‚Resistenza Analogica‘. In 2011, he founded ‚Analogica‘, an international festival dedicated to exploring and promoting analog practices in visual and sound experiments. Since its inception, he has been the artistic director and curator of Analogica.

Further information:

Date: Friday, September 6 & Friday, September 13 – Online (English) Time: 6-8 pm 
registration deadline: Sunday, August 25
Costs: 140,00 € / 100,00 €
Number of participants:  min. 5 participants / max. 15 participants
Location: Online via Zoom

Anmeldung:  oder an seminare(at)
