1 Euro Soli-Essen ii


Between January to June 2022, almost 6,200 foreigners were deported from Germany. Carrying up to only four persons, close to €600,000 were reportedly spent on controversial 'mini charter flights'. For one or two deportees, the costs of these chartered flights reportedly amounted to over €100,000 per flight.

Authoritarian luxuries are nakedly exposed within society.

While a fancy ceremony just happened for the 100th anniversary of the Studierendenwerk with fancy meals, many questions remain then! We just started with our first question, "IS EATING A PRIVILEGE?".

Join us again on Tuesday, September 20 at 12:12 PM in the street of Bismarckallee (opposite of Mensa Am Aasee) , donating 1 Euro to have a healthy meal with some music.
