Youth Climate Action Day


Youth Climate Action Day

05.12.2020, 10-15 Uhr (inkl. Mittagspause), online

Waldbrände, Wirbelstürme, Hochwasser, Dürren – die Klimakrise wird greif- und spürbarer. Gleichzeitig gehen vor allem junge Menschen zunehmend auf die Straße und engagieren sich für Klimaschutz und Nachhaltigkeit.


Climate Change - A Perspective from the WHO


Climate change is a threat to our global health. How is the WHO (World Health Organisation) dealing with a rising number of medical challenges such as malnutrition, infectious diseases, airway diseases and more, caused by drought, air pollution and global warming?

The challenges for the local health systems are very individual. What is the role of the WHO in the local as well as in the global context?

The Students for Future have invited James Creswick from the World Health Organization for a lecture and discussion on this current issue.
